chance造句 您所在的位置:网站首页 have a chance to do造句简单 chance造句


2023-07-18 23:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、You all live far away and I do not often get the chance to talk with you.因为你们都住得很远,我很少有机会和你们交谈。

2、Good chance for Inter on the break.国际米兰扩大战果的好机会。

3、Fancy hurling away a good chance like this, the silly girl想不到她竟把一次好机会这样胡乱丢掉了,真是个傻丫头!

4、Take the raincoat by any chance of rain.带上雨衣,也许会下雨。

5、He gave me no chance to reply to his question他没有给我回答他问题的机会。

6、The more homes are on the market, the less chance that prices will stabilise.因而,市场上的房屋越多,房价越难以稳定。

7、Mr Sarkozy offers at least a chance of proving this aphorism wrong.萨尔科奇的出现,至少给了法国一个机会,去证明此言不可信。

8、Which teams do you think have the best chance of winning medals?你认为哪个队最有可能获得金牌?How do you prepare mentally to compete?

9、As we grow up, we have less and less chance to have a reunion with our family.随着我们长大,我们与家人团聚的机会越来越少。

10、Never pass up a good chance to improve your English.千万不要错过提高英语水平的好机会。

11、You haven't got the ghost of a chance of getting the job.你想谋求这个职位的希望十分渺茫。

12、No telltale suspicious numbers, no chance of getting caught out by the old "press redial" routine.不再有会泄密的可疑的号码,也不会有机会让那“按重拨键”的把戏得逞。

13、This is your chance to be on film, making a telling comment that Irving Singer can reply to.这是你们可以被拍摄的机会,可以说出自己的评论,欧文·辛格可以直接答复你们。

14、The accused's lawyers will get a chance to cross-examine him.被告的律师会有盘问他的机会。

15、If you go talk to the manager, it will double your chance of getting the job.如果你去跟经理谈谈,你得到这份工作的可能性会更大。

16、This is positively the last chance for the industry to establish such a system.这绝对是该行业建立此机制的最后一次机会。

17、He's in with a good chance of passing the exam.他大有可能考试合格。

18、Glyph of Hamstring - Gives your Hamstring ability a chance to immobilize the target.断筋铭文-断筋后有一定几率让目标无法移动。

19、After my high school saga, I never really had a chance to dance again.在高中的传奇之后,我再也没有真正拥有过跳舞的机会了。

20、There now seems little chance of rapprochement between the warring factions.目前,敌对双方和解的可能性似乎很渺茫。

21、Russian scientists are building Noah's Ark. Now the mankind has a chance to survive.俄罗斯的科学家正在建造诺亚方舟,让人类有机会生存下去。

22、Did you have a chance to do any sightseeing ?你有没有出去游览的机会?

23、Chance had thrown us together at a skiing resort.机缘使我们在一个滑雪胜地相遇。

24、Which gymnasts do you believe have the best chance of winning the Olympics?你认为哪位体操运动员有可能获得奥林匹克冠军呢? Well, most of all, me.Actually there are many girls who have a chance to win.

25、It really stands a good chance of winning a fistful of Tony Awards in a few months.绝对有实力在几个月后的托尼奖【3】评选中成为大赢家。

26、Keep to the track, where one exists, so you lessen the chance of damaging fragile plants.在有道路的地方沿着道路走,这样你就很少会踩到柔弱的花草了。

27、The team has only a mathematical chance to win the championship这个队赢得冠军的可能性极小

28、Maybe then there is still a small chance to contribute, little by little, towards world peace.也许我们还是有点机会一点点地为世界和平做出贡献的。

29、She watched for a chance to cross the road.她等候时机横过马路。

30、This year was her last chance to enroll without having to apply again.今年是她入学的最后一次机会,否则就得重新申请。

chance翻译n. 机会, 意外, 可能性vi. 偶然发生vt. 冒险相关词组: chance one's arm not even a dog's chance on the chance of on t 详情






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